Spring onion ricotta dip with a crushed olive salsa


Charred spring onion ricotta:

250g smooth Ricotta

4-6 stalks of spring onion (about 1/2 the bunch), charred & chopped

1 tsp olive oil

pinch of salt

Crushed olive salsa:

1/4 cup parsley, rough chop

1/4 of a red onion, diced

1/2 cup pitted Kalamata olives, crushed

1/2 cup pitted Green olives, crushed

1 brown anchovy, minced

1 tbsp olive oil

Zest and juice of 1 lemon

1/2 a long green chilli, sliced thin

Heavy pinch of salt


Heat a pan over high heat and wait until very hot. Drop in the whole spring onion stalks and drizzle over 1 tsp olive oil and salt. To achieve the brown crisp, allow the spring onion to really char before flipping on the other side. Remove from heat when the spring onions have charred on both sides and have reduced in size significantly. Let cool.

Prepare the crushed olive salsa by adding all the salsa ingredients to a medium mixing bowl. To crush the olives, use the bottom of a cup to flatten the olives slightly. I like to add the olive oil from the tin of anchovies, but if you don’t have any, an extra virgin olive oil is just fine!

Mix the salsa ingredients together until the olives have a glossy finish. Taste for salt.

Chop the charred spring onion to a small chop. Mix through ricotta in a small mixing bowl.

Smear the charred spring onion ricotta dip on a beautiful plate and spoon over the crushed olive salsa. Garnish with flakey salt. Enjoy!


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